Moldy Cushions (CD)

Flag Day Recordings 2024
more info>>
Eloine + Ypsmael / Coims
split (C32)

Eh? 2023
more info>>
Seeded Plain
Badminton, The Volleys (CD)

Public Eyesore 2023
more info>>
Bryan Day & Dereck Higgins
Wovben Territories (CD)

Public Eyesore 2023
more info>>

Renatos Matos & Bryan Day
aliancas sonoras (Digital)

Scatter Archive 2023
more info>>

Conjugate Regions (C50)

Ikuisuus 2022
more info>>
Ypsmael + Eloine
Lost Teeth (CD-R)

Chocolate Monk 2022
more info>>
Milkshake (C38)

Liquid Library 2022
more info>>

Collision Stories
Avant l'obscurité (LP)

Charnel Music 2021
more info>>

Bryan Day / Seymour Glass
Crooked Doppler (C50)

tanzprocesz 2021
more info>>


Temporary Presence (LP)

Almost Halloween Time / Unread / Gertrude 2021
more info>>


Pay Dirt
Error Theft Disco (C45)

Blue Screen 2020
more info>>

Isopleths (CD)

Public Eyesore 2020
more info>>

Seeded Plain
Flying Falling (C60)

Eh? 2019
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Albert / Day / Kreimer
Mutations (CD)

Public Eyesore 2018
more info>>

Seeded Plain
Buffets Close Suddenly (CD-R)

Eh? 2017
more info>>

Bad Jazz
Endtable Transmissions (C60)

Tymbal Tapes 2017
more info>>

Bad Jazz
Daymare (CD-R)

Eh? 2017
more info>>

Collision Stories
Those Missing Will Complete Us (CD)

Public Eyesore 2017
more info>>

Bizarre Flight (C30)

Gertrude 2016
more info>>

Leonard * Day * Jerman
Isinglass (C45)

Eh? 2016
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Bad Jazz
Tincture (C60)

Friends and Relatives 2016
more info>>

Seeded Plain
Spill Containment (CD-R)

Eh? 2015
more info>>

Siegel / Day / Djll / Marsh
Ocean of Lakes

Pan y Rosas 2015
more info>>

Bad Jazz
Bad Dreams In The Night (CD-R)

Eh? 2015
more info>>

Brillo Hedge Maze (C45)

Unread 2014
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Fixtures (C45)

Centipede Farm 2014
more info>>

Seeded Plain
Provincial Stammer (CD-R)

Bug Incision 2013
more info>>

Patio Slang
Surface Politics (C60)

Factotum 2013
more info>>

Bryan Day & Bob Marsh
Crumpled Partials (CD-R)

Green Tape 2013
more info>>

Bryan Day
A Parallel Charter (Zine)

Single Girl / Married Girl 2013
more info>>

Distant Trains / Office Park
Live (C40)

Centipede Farm 2012
more info>>

Office Park
Posture (CD-R)

more info>>

R.P. Collier & Eloine
Anchor Studies (CD-R)

Triple Bath 2011
more info>>

Seeded Plain & Hal Rammel / (D)(B)(H)
Self-titled / Bad For Business (LP)

Friends & Relatives / Gilgongo 2011
more info>>

Eloine & Sabrina Siegel
Nature's Recomposition 33 (CD-R)

Eh? 2011
more info>>

I Prefer The Stairwell, To Sleep, You See (7")

Unread 2010
more info>>

Seeded Plain
Entry Codes (CD)

Creative Sources 2010
more info>>

Seeded Plain
Sectional (CD-R)

Digital Vomit 2010
more info>>

Eloine + Yagihashi Tsukasa
Scattered Hands (C20)

Feral Tapes 2010
more info>>

Simpler Machines (CD-R)

Darbolistic Rex 2010
more info>>

Shelf Life
Schemes (CD-R)

Counter-Submarine 2010
more info>>

Shelf Life
Courtesy (CD-R)

Psychic Oscillator 2010
more info>>

Eloine with Kommissar Hjuler
Anticipation (CD-R)

Der Schöne Hjuler-Memorial-Fond 2009
more info>>

Shelf Life
Protection (CD-R)

Counter-Submarine 2008
more info>>

Shelf Life / Left Lung Right Lung
Tether & Rhyme (CD-R)

LLRL 2008
more info>>

Seeded Plain
Land Tracts (CD-R)

Featherspines 2008
more info>>

Shelf Life
Concerning the Absence of Floors (CD-R)

Friends and Relatives 2008
more info>>

Yama Labam A (CD-R)

Eh? 2007
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Shelf Life
Rheuma (CD-R)

Eh? 2007
more info>>

Shelf Life w/ Eckhard Gerdes
Scuff Mud (CD)

Journal of Experimental Fiction 2007
more info>>

Shelf Life
Field Mechanics (C60)

Two House 2006
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Shelf Life
Ductworks (CD)

Public Eyesore 2006
more info>>

Sagebrush Deimos (C60 / CD-R)

Stentorian 2006
more info>>

Papier Mache
Nvelope (CD-R)

Eh? 2005
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Papier Mache
Fnctnfssmbl (CD-R)

Eh? 2005
more info>>

Day / Boardman
One to Seven (CD-R)

Public Eyesore 2005
more info>>

Green Stump (C60 / CD-R)

Unread 2004
more info>>

Short Community (CD-R)

Foxglove 2004
more info>>

Sistrum / Metal Tech / Arnoux / Das Torpedos
2 Weeks Notice (C60)

Unread 2003
more info>>

Hodgkins + Davis / Day
Self-titled (C60)

Seagull 2002
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Tinnery (C75)

Seagull 2002
more info>>

Red Dust (CD-R)

Gameboy 2001
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Sleepover (C45)

Freedom From 2001
more info>>

Protochromatic / 360 Sound
Self-titled (C60)

FDR 2001
more info>>

William IX
Dawn Variations (CD-R)

Public Eyesore 2000
more info>>

Sistrum / XV Parowek
Clean Cloudbite Mouthpillow (CD-R)

Soulworm Editions 2000
more info>>

Sistrum / Daruin
Self-titled (CD-R)

Neus-318 1999
more info>>